
从概念到完成, we are passionate about helping developers and design/construction teams bring wood buildings to life. Our services include free project support for commercial and multi-family wood buildings, a robust nationwide education program, and a wide range of published resources. Our expertise covers all wood building systems and technologies, and we’re available to assist your team.


配备工程师, 架构师, 建筑专家, WoodWorks helps project teams identify and successfully realize the most appropriate wood solutions for their projects.

Explore a user-generated database of wood projects

The WoodWorks Innovation Network (WIN) is a user-generated database that lets you explore projects on an interactive map, connect with industry professionals, and contribute your own work.


作为一个非盈利组织, our work wouldn’t be possible without support from funding and partner organizations that represent all facets of the industry

Thanks to our Funding Partners
Forestry-innovation Investment Logo
CLT panel being flown in on a crane in front of a mass timber building
The Canyons / Kaiser+Path / photo Marcus Kauffman

Discover the benefits of partnering with WoodWorks.

Interested in becoming a WoodWorks partner? 让我们联系.

“It’s great to have WoodWorks as a resource. In areas that are new to us, it’s important to be sure the approaches we’re taking are the industry standard.”

Maura Newell, Principal and Lead Architect, seventy2架构师

“WoodWorks has been a valuable resource when it comes to understanding mass timber construction. Their knowledge sharing and willingness to help our team as we navigated the design, logistics and planning efforts has been the foundation to a great partnership.”

Michael Manos, Senior Superintendent, 摩顿森

“WoodWorks’ assistance was greatly appreciated on our 5-over-2 project. They were very responsive to our questions, 拜访了我们的办公室, and continued to support the project through development of the Construction Documents.”

Nick Dreisbach, Project Architect, 核心设计组


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WoodWorks Innovation Network

Explore buildings made from innovative wood materials and connect with their design/construction teams on the WoodWorks Innovation Network, 或赢得. Join the WIN community to add your projects and showcase your expertise.



If you’re as passionate about sustainable materials and construction efficiency as we are, we think you’ll like it here.